Igloo Making Experience in Towadako

Experience igloo building while enjoying delicious food made with Towada ingredients on the shores of Lake Towada!

Igloo Making Experience in Towadako
Igloos are dome-shaped snow houses built by the indigenous people of North America's extremely cold regions to shelter them from the winter cold.This "igloo" was developed as a new winter attraction for Aomori in the winter of 2023 in an effort to make it a tourism resource for the snowy region of Aomori.
Event Schedule(Events will be held on the same schedule for two days)
09:00 Meet at the Lake Towada Lakeside Rest House North Parking Lot
09:15 Greeting for the event   Self-introduction of participants and instructors
09:30 Event begins
12:00 Lunch break    Delicious food using Towada ingredients
13:00 Event resumes
16:00 End of event    Commemorative photo
16:15 Dismissal
岩手県Towada City486 Aza Towada lakeside rest house, Oaza Okuse
Telephone Number
Opening Times
5,000 yen (tax included)/person 12 years old and over
1,000 yen (tax included)/person 6-12 years old
7 hours
Included in the fee is only the actual cost of the food and rental of igloo making equipment;
The fee is set at 5,000 yen instead of the regular fee of 12,000 yen because the Ministry of the Environment and Aomori Prefecture are covering the cost of labor and other expenses necessary for the production of igloos.
Not included in the fee is the cost of transportation to the meeting place.

✔︎As a general rule, participants must be at least 18 years old to participate alone at ✔︎. If a parent or guardian is present, the minimum age for participation is 6 years old.
✔︎Please bring warm clothing and other items to wear during the work.
✔︎In order to ensure the safety of participants, those who do not follow the management's instructions will not be allowed to participate.
✔︎Please note that this is an outdoor activity and participants are responsible for their own insurance.

